Tuesday 6 February 2018

DUBTOWN - the life of a jehovah's witness through the eyes of LEGO PEOPLE

Last summer [2017] I began making LEGO stop motion videos depicting the many aspects of life as a jehovah's witness [JW]. beginning with only a few lego bricks a handful of lego figures and no knowledge of how to go about stop motion i made my first video.

With my mind bursting with ideas and stories I quickly set about making more. A great little play on words came to me, 'BEARD FRACTIONS' and so episode 2 came about. highlighting the ridiculous JW law that beards are banned. no respectable man in good standing in the congregation wears a beard... well, not a full beard! moustaches on the other hand, which is essentially a beard fraction is permitted with no resulting punishments by the wolves [elders].

unsaid though is the idea that blood fractions are also ridiculous! they are produced from stored donated blood but somehow are ok yet larger blood fractions like plasma is banned!

Episode 3 focusses in on the wolves role a little more. and their job as judges, jury and executioner in the congregation. they hold your spiritual life in their hands and can execute you even on circumstantial evidence.

with limited amounts of lego and therefore set building óptions and stories being limited i was able to produce a video every week. i was able to sustain this more or less right up until the new year [2018]

looking back over my videos is painful as i observe the poor sets, the poor camera work and overall cringe worthy production. but thats just my critical eye. others seem to enjoy them and it was cheap therapy for me to help me process the pain of waking up and greiving over my religion.

With the new year i bought a new camera.  a shiny canon with a nice lens. between that and an ever growing collection of lego, i wish to make videos of a hiogher standard this year. finishing a story on a set day is no longer the goal, but rather, a higher standard of movie making. hopefully videos this year will prove to be more refined and slightly more professional lol. we shall see.

i began with a big story,  the BLOOD ISSUE! or as i called the two part episode, DOES IT BLOODY MATTER. i took the time to learn properly the masking required to make lego fly, my first results i was pleased with.

Next up is a story resulting from the release of secret bethel training videos dealing with masturbation flirting and poreia. that video is in production now and hopefully released by the weekend...


  1. HI Kevin, Just to tell you how much my family and I appreciate and enjoy Dubtown videos, and thank you for your hard work producing and sharing your talent and insight. Somebody said laughter is the best medicine and for us it's so true. --i tried to sign in with a different account but can't figure it out. on Twitter my name is @paytonmarina. ♥

    1. im glad your family is enjoying these videos. laughing eases much of the pain for me, and knowing others are getting something out of it to makes me very happy :)

  2. Hi... i just watched your lifes a beach....
    I too find it hard to walk and need to be that non sick resident..
    But i hear something in your voice which touches my heart and have something i would like to share with you... not sure how to contact you but if you would like to respond to my email maybe we can discuss a few scriptures etc and well.. i dont want to sound like an ex JW nutter..
    But i feel we can help one another in an understaning or two

    Kind regards

